Pikes Peak Continuum of Care Point in Time Count 2025


The Point in Time (PIT) survey is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. HUD requires that Continuums of Care (CoCs) conduct an annual count of people experiencing homelessness who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens. CoCs also must conduct a count of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness every other year (odd numbered years). Each count is planned, coordinated, and carried out locally. The data collected during the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care’s (PPCoC) PIT Count plays a vital role in our region’s efforts to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.


Dates: January 27 – 30, 2025

What to Expect: Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles, including outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness, data entry, and volunteer support. For those volunteering for outreach, your role involves conducting a brief survey and taking a headcount of these individuals. Below are a few key points to the volunteer registration process.

Key Points

  • Volunteers can choose the day(s) they would like to work and sign up for a morning shift and/or afternoon shift.
  • Each volunteer must complete their own volunteer registration form (all group members must be individually registered).
  • Once your volunteer registration has been submitted you will receive a confirmation. You will also be added to our volunteer list and will receive additional information prior to the count.
For additional questions prior to registering, send us an email.