Coordinated Entry (CE)
CE provides timely access to appropriate housing programs through a centralized, equitable, person-centered process that preserves choice, dignity, and transparency.
For People Experiencing or At Risk of Homelessness
How Does CE work?
Coordinated Entry is a program of the PPCoC designed to assess, assign, and assist vulnerable homeless households to CoC-funded housing programs including: permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, and other project-based housing vouchers.
Coordinated Entry operates under the authority of HUD 24 CFR 578.7(a)(8), which mandates the CE process be developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their individual strengths and needs.
To learn more about Coordinated Entry, click here to watch the Statewide Coordinated Entry training webinar.
Homeless households work with a local agency to complete the community housing assessment known as the Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization and Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT). Head of Households include:
- Individual Adults
- Families
- Unaccompanied Youths
- Veterans
Households are prioritized and ranked based on vulnerability. More vulnerable households are matched and assisted to available and appropriate housing programs on a weekly basis.
This matching process, known as, “Case Conferencing,” includes input from service and housing providers in the PPCoC.
Matched households are assigned support in their efforts to identify and secure housing. Housing assignment includes:
- Obtaining necessary documents
- Developing a housing plan
- Case management
- Emergency shelter
- Housing navigation
For Providers
CE PIP Manual
CE HMIS End User Documents
List of required elements for data entry onto the Coordinated Entry ‘By Name List’ and step-by-step guide for entering data into Clarity Human Services – HMIS