Mike Ware
Mike Ware is the founder and CEO of Medical Association Management Company, a firm that helps professional associations and other nonprofits diversify their revenue streams to promote their long term sustainability.
Prior to forming MAMCO, Mike served as the CEO of the El Paso County Medical Society, growing it to become the largest component professional society serving physicians in Colorado. There, he diversified their funding streams from three to seven sources. He also served as CEO of EPCMS’s charitable foundation and its for-profit subsidiary.
His proudest professional achievement came during the COVID19 pandemic. Via the Medical Reserve Corps of El Paso County, an EPCMS Foundation program, he led a diverse team of 513 staff and volunteers that provided over 23,000 hours of free medical care and support during our community’s response.
Prior to becoming CEO, Mike served as the western region representative for the American Medical Association and associate director of government relations for the Ohio State Medical Association. An Ohio native, he earned his bachelor’s degree from Denison University.